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McDonald's response to questions on recruitment in Qatar & ahead of the 2022 World Cup

At McDonald’s, we put our people first. This means ensuring that all employees within our system have the benefit of equitable employment practices. See our website for more information on our Responsible and Ethical Recruitment Principles for our restaurants and our Supplier Code of Conduct where our expectation of responsible and ethical recruitment is outlined for our suppliers and their supply chain.  

McDonald’s and our Franchisees are committed to fostering environments where everyone is equally empowered to realize their full potential. Upholding human rights and cultivating respectful workplaces protects the integrity of our brand and fuels our success – and is the right way to do business. See our website for more information on McDonald’s Corporation’s Human Rights Policy.

We take seriously our responsibility to respect human rights throughout our value chain, which includes human rights due diligence. Human rights due diligence has been embedded into our sponsorship of the FIFA Men’s World Cup in Qatar. We have worked with our business partners to conduct third party assessments, including worker voice. We have also met with partners in Qatar, including FIFA, impacted groups and government agencies, and engage regularly with FIFA and other key stakeholders, such as NGOs, other corporate affiliates and international organizations.

We recognize there is more to be done to ensure that the World Cup leaves a positive legacy in Qatar. We will continue working with FIFA, human rights experts, and the other sponsors to spur positive change and respect human rights, both around the tournament and in the communities we serve.
