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Mexico: After almost seven months, Irma Galindo, environment defender who was fighting against illegal logging in Oaxaca, is still missing

IM Defensoras

"Disappeared Mexican activist underscores deadly threat to environmental defenders", 11 May 2022

...Last October, environmentalist Irma Galindo left her home in a remote indigenous community in southern Mexico to discuss threats she had received with officials running a program specifically designed to protect activists from violence.

Galindo never made it to the meeting, which had been slated to happen in Mexico City.

The activist, who was 41 at the time, has not been seen since and her colleagues are convinced her disappearance is linked to her long fight to stop illegal logging in her home state of Oaxaca...

Since President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador took office in 2018, at least 45 environmental activists have been killed, according to government data, making Mexico the second-most dangerous country in the world for defending the environment...

Those familiar with Galindo's case say it had been deemed "ordinary," meaning she received no practical protection from the program beyond the knowledge that federal authorities were aware of her case. Her meeting in Mexico City was to review the classification of her case and see if some protection could be given.

The Interior Ministry, which runs the protection program, declined to comment on Galindo's disappearance or why she was not offered more support...