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Myanmar Military Never In Fashion

Myanmar: Over 160 trade unions & civil society endorse call for brands to cease operations in Myanmar

"International brands must act urgently and cease all production in Myanmar to weaken the military dictatorship and force it to step down", 31 January 2022


On September 3, 2021, two of the largest trade unions in Myanmar, the All Burma Federation of Trade Unions (ABFTU) and the Federation of General Workers Myanmar (FGWM) put out a joint statement condemning the actions of the employers and calling on Western brands to stop sourcing their products from Myanmar suppliers. Garment workers organised in the Industrial Worker’s Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) as part of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Myanmar are calling for comprehensive economic sanctions.

Given that over two-thirds of Myanmar’s garment exports are for the UK/EU and US markets, we have an opportunity and an obligation to act in solidarity with the garment workers and all those opposing the coup and the military’s crimes in Myanmar.

We, the signatories of this statement, join the trade unions of Myanmar in their call for international brands and retailers to urgently take action:

  1. Withdraw from Myanmar to put pressure on the military dictatorship to step down.
  2. When withdrawing, consult with Myanmar’s trade unions and develop an exit plan to ensure transparency and due compensation is paid to all workers, and contribute humanitarian aid to the workers and people of Myanmar.
  3. Publicly join the international condemnation of the military coup in Myanmar and call for democracy to be restored. Actively support the Civil Disobedience Movement, trade unions and the National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (NUG) in their efforts to stop this brutal military dictatorship.


Myanmar: Trade unions & labour organisations call for economic sanctions against the military regime

Myanmar: One year since attempted coup, CSOs & unions express solidarity with ongoing resistance & call for economic sanctions