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HudBay Minerals

Response by HudBay Minerals

All areas of corporate responsibility are serious and important.  They deserve care in administration by a company and substance in discussion by everyone. No concern is served by hyperbole, innuendo or baseless accusations. We reject in the strongest possible terms claims about Hudbay made with regard to the individuals in the material at link... Hudbay Peru has an arrangement with the Peruvian national police whereby the police provide periodic security to the Constancia operation. These arrangements are common at mining projects in Peru and they are directly contemplated and permitted by Peruvian legislation. When police come to Constancia they receive training on site in the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and Hudbay Peru’s expectation that the Principles are followed is made clear... Hudbay became aware of the April 22nd event as a result of subsequent social media and conventional media, largely the day after the detentions. Hudbay regards the video in question as lacking credibility, so we have no concern if or where it is shown. In summary, the existence of agreements between companies and police is not uncommon in Peru.  The events of April 22 were not directed or requested by Hudbay. 
