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Pull & Bear (part of Inditex)

Response by Pull & Bear (part of Inditex)

Inditex has a longstanding commitment to a sustainable supply chain. We work with our suppliers to guarantee the highest social and environmental standards by requiring them to comply with the stringent requirements stipulated in our Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers. Our strict guidelines also contractually oblige suppliers to dispose of items such as labels and materials related to previous orders only through certified waste management companies, to guarantee that they are processed in a responsible way.

 The report indicates that some textile scraps in Cambodia arrive to brick kilns employing workers under unacceptable conditions, and alleges that Pull&Bear labels were amongst this rubbish. We have limited production for Pull&Bear in Cambodia. However, Inditex can confirm that all its suppliers in the country have signed agreements committing them to responsible disposal of such materials.

 In light of this, Inditex has started an investigation among its suppliers to ensure that the correct procedures are adhered to, reminding suppliers to reinforce their processes by preventing middlemen’ from intercepting such waste and of their ethical commitments to the agreed environmental standard.
