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Credit Suisse

Response from Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse is engaging with the US NCP on this matter.

Credit Suisse carries out a series of measures to assess business risks. If there are grounds to believe that a potential transaction or client relationship could pose an unacceptable risk or is not compatible with our existing agreements or internal guidelines, Credit Suisse conducts a bank-wide standardized Reputational Risk Review Process. Environmental (such as climate change) and human rights-related risks are some of the risks considered in that process, in line with the expectations expressed in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Credit Suisse evaluates whether the potential client’s activities are consistent with the relevant industry standards and whether the transaction is compatible with Credit Suisse’s own policies and guidelines for sensitive sectors. Our sector policies and guidelines take into account standards developed by international organizations such as the UN and the World Bank and set out environmental and social standards that we expect clients operating in certain sensitive sectors to comply with when conducting their activities.
