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Salam Al Amir, National (UAE)

UAE: Abu Dhabi court follows through with new labour reforms by ruling in favour of paying workers USD2.8m in unpaid wages

Vinnikava Viktoryia, Shutterstock

"Abu Dhabi court says Dh106m in unpaid wages returned to workers" 09 May 2022

More than 3,800 workers in Abu Dhabi have received their unpaid wages in full after the emirate's labour court ruled in their favour.

The court passed judgments in these cases in the first three months of this year and the workers received a total of more than Dh106 million, Abu Dhabi Judicial Department said. It was not clear if the total amount also included money paid for unfair dismissal.

Figures released by Abu Dhabi Labour Court showed that rulings were issued in 1,893 claims of the 1,932 registered at the level of the Court of First Instance between January and March. The other cases are still pending.

The Labour Court also received 24,687 online requests and all were settled amicably without further appeal.

Private companies must transfer the salaries of their employees to bank accounts to avoid fines.

Salaries should be transferred through the Wage Protection System on fixed dates. Wages not transferred within 10 days of the due date are considered a late payment and there are fines for companies that flout rules.

Mr Al Abri said the Labour Court ensures it carries out its work in accordance with the changes introduced to the laws that came into effect on February 2 this year.