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Working together with low-income peasant communities

[Original article in Spanish. Title translation, and following summary of the article's key points, provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.] In 2005, Amanco México [part of Grupo Nueva], together with Ashoka, developed a pioneering project to provide a more efficient irrigation system to 620 low-income peasants. In December 2005, the Inter-American Development Bank gave Amanco $910,000 so that other rural agricultural workers could access the credits for improved irrigation. The company aims to have 10% of its sales coming from low-income farmers by 2008. "Our efforts in this context are not only to sell, but to provide sustainable livelihoods", said Amanco's social responsibility director. The strategy of doing business with marginalised groups involves a network of partnerships between farmers, Amanco, financial institutions, governmental agencies, NGOs, and trading companies, in order to provide solutions that jointly address irrigation problems, poverty, and market requirements.