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The Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN and other Intl. Orgs. in Geneva

Ambassadorial meeting on legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights

"Note 4-3-98/2018", 11 July 2018

...[T]aking into account the request from the Permanent Delegation of the European Union to the UN Office and other International Organization in Geneva for an additional specific discussion on process with all States, the Permanent Mission of Ecuador would like to convene all Permanent Missions to the UN in Geneva as well as other relevant stakeholders, to a complementary meeting at ambassadorial or highest representative level, in accordance with the proposed agenda...

The meeting at ambassadorial and representative level is convened for...Tuesday 17 July 2018, from 10:00 to 12:00 in Room XI of the Palais des Nations...


1. Briefing by the Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the UN and other International Organizations in Geneva on the process of bilateral meetings and informal open consultations on the way forward towards the elaboration of an internationally legally binding instrument pursuant to HRC Res. 26/9.

2. Roadmap towards the Fourth Session of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group (OEIGWG) established by HRC Res. 26/9

3. Exchange of constructive views and ideas on the process of the international legally binding instrument, that are conducive to the effective implementation of the overarching mandate of HRC Resolution 26/9

The link to register for the meeting is here.