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Bank Muamalat

Press release of Bank Muamalat

"Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad was never found guilty of union busting or had breached any law," 18 July 2019

...Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad wishes to emphasise the fact that the oral judgement by the Federal Court on 10 July 2019 was only on points of law raised in the appeal and the Federal Court did not rule that the Bank was guilty of union-busting or had breached any law.

The Bank was merely unsuccessful in challenging the Minister of Human Resources’ decision when the Federal Court affirmed the decision made by the Minister of Human Resources that the group of employees involved were not engaged in an executive, managerial, confidential and security capacity, and that the Minister of Human Resources was not obliged to produce the report of investigation upon which his decision was based.

The exercise conducted by the Bank was an organizational effort to help refine employees’ career prospects and advancement in addition to accommodating the Bank’s business needs in aligning to the future strategic direction of the Bank.