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Tradelink response

…The NGO known as “Amazon Watch” made no attempt, to our knowledge, to contact our company to get a response or comments before the publication of their report, “Complicity in Destruction II”. They clearly should’ve known how to contact us, as they referenced our website which contains contact details of our head office on every page. We are widely recognised as having one of most robust and transparent due diligence systems and procedures in our sector. Our experienced due diligence team in Brazil, which includes our own forest engineer, undertake detailed supply chain and field audits where required. Tradelink is one of only two companies in the Hardwood Timber Sector that is a signatory and associate of inPACTO. We maintain open and transparent communications with the major Environmental NGO’s with whom we meet and interact on a regular basis. With regard to the report citing Tradelink Madeiras’ 2016 fine, we would like to clarify that this accusation does not relate to “selling illegal wood”. It relates to purchases made more than 10 years ago (2007/2008) for which we have the relevant evidence of legal purchase. We are contesting the case in court in Brasilia. We strongly reject the statements which Amazon Watch made in the report which refer to Tradelink Madeiras receiving “11 fines for illegal deforestation”…
