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5 يونيو 2018


Argentina: Civil society protests over construction of two large dams in Patagonia by Chinese companies

“China creates energy in Argentina and debate too” – 25 May 2018

As in other Latin American countries, in the past years, China is a strong investor in Argentina.  Environmental impact and benefits for economy created by this landing, however, are a matter of discussion amongst local actors…[A] study by the NGO Environment and Natural Resources Foundation (FARN for its Spanish acronym) affirms that Chinese funding aims fundamentally at hydropower, nuclear or hydrocarbons projects…But it leaves only four percent of those investments for renewable energies, precisely the sector where the country faces a visible backwardness…”The principal objective of China is to export its technology and commodities.  It has an enormous development at the hydraulic, nuclear and oil levels.  China has no more rivers to build dams in their territory and for this reason, they are interested in dams on the Santa Cruz River,” said to IPS Maria Marta Di Paola, FARN researcher director…

However for specialist Gustavo Giraldo, it is not the Asian giant the one unwilling to engage in renewable energy projects, but Argentina who has not decisively bet for energy transition process towards clean, renewable, non-conventional energies…China appears also behind the Argentinean pretention to develop nuclear energy schemes…Nevertheless, the Macri administration announced this month that he will postpone indefinitely the beginning of the construction of at least the first of this nuclear plants, with the purpose of not increasing debt and reducing the high fiscal deficit of the country.