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9 إبريل 2020

Migrant Rights

Bahrain: Covid-19 labour law changes "welcome" but NGO calls on Govt. to provide assistance to workers

"Bahrain announces amnesty for irregular migrants and cuts in Flexi-Permit fees," 3 Apr 2020

Bahrain’s Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) has announced an amnesty for irregular migrants from now through December 31, 2020. Irregular migrants will not need to pay any fines to regularise their residency status or leave the country. 

The LMRA has also cancelled monthly work permit fees and fees related to issuing and renewing work permits [until July]... to help alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on employers, and facilitate the hiring of irregular and regular workers...

[This] will alleviate some pressure on migrant workers... [yet they] remain acutely vulnerable to the economic impact of COVID-19.