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17 يناير 2021

The Daily Star

Bangladesh: H&M advocates for increasing garment workers' minimum wage & says it will pay higher prices for garments

"Apparel job uncertainty on the wane", 17 January 2021

... The CPD and Southern Voice, a network of over fifty think tanks from Africa, Asia and Latin America, jointly organised the discussion on "Recovery of the Apparel Sector from the Covid-19 Crisis: Is a Value Chain Based Solution Possible?"...

Ziaur Rahman, Swedish retail giant H&M's regional manager for Bangladesh, Pakistan and Ethiopia, advocated for increasing workers' minimum wage as their monthly pay was still low.

He also said that H&M had started paying higher prices for Bangladesh's garment items in tune with the last increase in wages.

"We will increase the price of garment items if the wage of workers is increased again," he said...

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