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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English


10 يناير 2007

Emma Graham-Harrison, Reuters (additional reporting by Lucy Hornby)

China misses energy saving goal, but cracks down

China missed its energy saving target last year, a top official [Pan Yue] said on Wednesday, but Beijing is cracking down on major companies that ignored environmental rules as sustainable development moves up the government agenda...Four of the country's top power firms will not get environmental approval for any new projects until they resolve problems with existing plants...Officials at...Datang International Power Generation Co..., Huadian Corp., Huaneng Group and China Guodian Corp. should also be held responsible for the violations...In what could be a sign of growing power, SEPA, which has usually targeted smaller enterprises, included large steel makers along with the big power firms on its list of 82 projects which violated environmental rules...It covered plants opened by Laiwu Iron and Steel Group [Laigang], China's eighth-biggest steelmaker, and rapidly-expanding Baotou Iron and Steel Group [Baogang], the twelfth.