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13 يونيو 2018

Clean Clothes Campaign & Intl. Labor Rights Forum campaign urges H&M to meet its living wage commitment

On Labour Day 2018 Clean Clothes Campaign & Intl. Labor Rights Forum launched the campaign "Turn around, H&M!".  The campaign accuses H&M of failing to meet the commitment it made in 2013 to ensure workers in its supply chain are paid a living wage by 2018 with its “Roadmap towards a fair living wage”.

We invited H&M to respond in May 2018.  H&M sent us a letter they sent Clean Clothes Campaign in response to their letter to the H&M Board, CEO and Head of Sustainability re its living wage commitment.  In June 2018 Clean Clothes Campaign sent us a letter that they have sent in response to H&M's letter.

on 13 June H&M also sent us an additional statement.  All documents can be accessed below.

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Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) عرض الرد
Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) عرض الرد

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