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19 نوفمبر 2021

Dr. Stéfanie von Hlatky, Claude Voillat, Alan Bryden, Almero Retief, and Brian Gonsalves, with research assistance from Morgan Fox

Conflict Prevention Tool: Developing Multi-Stakeholder Strategies

Conflict Prevention Tool

Conflict Prevention Tool: Developing Multi-Stakeholder Strategies

November 2021

This Conflict Prevention Tool is the outcome of an international research initiative which was designed as an incubator of new ideas around conflict prevention and resolution efforts around business operations. Its innovative and unique aspects include:

  • focusing on conflict prevention;
  • re-centering corporate culture as part of conflict analysis;
  • promoting cross-function approaches in corporations;
  • and providing detailed yet hands-on questionnaires to support companies in meeting their due diligence obligations related to security and human rights. 

The tool, when integrated into existing business practices, reinforces implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.

The tool was developed through joint work involving representatives of corporations, academia and international organizations all interested in responsible business practices. It is meant as a common good: accessible free of charge.