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3 يونيو 2013

Tricia Feeney, Executive Director, Rights and Accountability in Development Limited (RAID)

[DOC] RAID’s rejoinder to ENRC’s response to Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

إظهار جميع الإشارات
In view of the serious health problems associated with a lack of clean water, RAID was fully justified in publishing the fact that a complaint had been made. The problems referred to in RAID’s press release were already in the public domain...Before filing the complaint, RAID discussed its concerns with a company representative in the DRC...The Procedural Guidance of the OECD Guidelines refers only to the need for confidentiality during the ‘specific instance’ phase of the complaint process. Whilst recently the UK NCP has started to suggest that NGOs and others should not make public the fact that a complaint has been filed, this position has not been endorsed by the Steering Board...

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