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20 يونيو 2013

Ali Sargent, Upside Down World

El Mauro" Tailings-Dam Pits Community against the Oligarchy in Chile

…[Activists] from London Mining Network, War on Want and Chile 40 Years on Network participated as "dissident shareholders" in the AGM of Antofagasta Minerals Plc…[to demonstrate] their solidarity with the town of Los Caimanes in northern Chile…[where] residents…have sustained a struggle against the installation of a tailings-dam by Minera Los Pelambres, a subsidiary of Antofagasta Plc…Los Caimanes' resistance has brought them into conflict with…the…Luksic family…Severe risk of the dam collapsing in an earthquake, water pollution, its use of local water supplies, and the impact of mining on the local agriculture are the most central concerns about its installation... Last year Minera Los Pelambres rushed a legal case against the activists and the community's lawyers through local courts, accusing them of "illicit association". All community representatives were found not guilty, but the motive of the case is clear…[It refers to Canal 13 and Banco de Chile]