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13 نوفمبر 2019

David Gilbert, Vice News

India: Researchers uncover large global network of fake websites operated by Indian company, with aim to spread propaganda

"A Shadowy Indian Company Co-Opted Dead Newspapers to Spread Propaganda", 14 November 2019

A network of 265 fake websites in 65 countries operated by a shadowy Indian company has been helping spread anti-Pakistan propaganda — which happened to align with IRL demonstrations in Europe.

The ultimate goal of the influence campaign was to sway lawmakers in Europe in favor of Indian interests...

Researchers at the EU Disinfo Lab, an NGO in Brussels, uncovered the network of sites that mimic current or defunct media sites around the globe, including dozens of U.S. portals in the mix...

...But the researchers believe the network’s real purpose was to act as a way to disseminate coordinated anti-Pakistan propaganda that coincided with real-world anti-Pakistan demonstrations taking place in Europe.

...The researchers were...able to link all the activity back to one Delhi-based organization called the Srivastava Group, which also helped fund the controversial visit of mostly far-right members of the European Parliament to Kashmir in late October.

...The trip was funded by the International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies (IINS), which is a subsidiary of the Srivastava Group...

...A report by Indian website the Wire last month revealed that the Srivastava Group has a host of companies that do little to no business, according to filings with India’s Registrar of Companies.