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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English


30 يوليو 2015

Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights

Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights recommendations on Jatigede Dam [English translation]

[English translation of original document provided by Advocacy Team for Jatigede People Alliance]

The National Comission of Human Rights receive complaints from people who will affected by Jatigede dam flooding in Sumedang Regency, West Java...The problems that [were] found...Jatigede dam project that has been plan since 1963 is not well planned in its implementation. So that cause social,economy, and culture problems that still has not been solved until now...

T]he National Commission of Human Rights ha[s]...recommend[ed]...President of Indonesia Republic [to] :
1. Delay Jatigede dam flooding in Sumedang, West Java province until all social-economy, and culture problems in affected people be solved totally.
2. Command...Government National Planning Agencies and SAMSAT and related institution to re-identified, re-examination, re-collection and also analizing with very detail and comprehensive about update numbers of affected people their social-economy, and culture rights before flooding plan be done.
3. Give special attention to the lost of one of necessary food barns in Sumedang district that caused by Jatigede dam if it related to National Food Sovereignty Programe and improving of rights to food in Indonesia...

الجدول الزمني