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13 أغسطس 2019

Moses Omusolo, Standard Digital (Kenya)

Kenya: Samasource on how its impact source model ensures it recruits from disadvantaged backgrounds, including women & youth

"Impact sourcing and its contribution to the Economy"

Samasource is a technology company focused on training data for artificial intelligence with its sub-Saharan hub located in Kenya. The firm uses the impact sourcing business model where it employs people from disadvantaged backgrounds. This is aimed at lifting them out of poverty through digital work.[Accoriding to] Ms Mbirimi...["]Samasource is driven by the mission to expand the opportunity to youth at the bottom of the pyramid through digital work.  Our founder built this model on the precept that ‘talent is equally distributed but the opportunity is not.’ Hiring in emerging markets helps support those economies by providing jobs to youth and paying them a wage. Our staff has on average two of dependents and this model allows them to cater to their dependents’ needs.["]...

"Our staff aged between 18 and 28 are largely sourced from low-income communities. Many of them have not had an opportunity to take up tertiary education because of the minimal opportunities available to them.  Samasource serves as a first formal job opportunity for those who were either unemployed or doing informal work that was unsustainable or did not guarantee them a living wage at the end of the month. 52 per cent of them are female."