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17 يونيو 2021


Latin America: Civil society presents report on Chinese investments and human rights in the region

Report Cover

“Indigenous Rights and Chinese Investments: Pending Commitment for their International Relations” 15 June 2021

The People’s Republic of China (RPCH) has increased its presence and strategic role in Latin America and the Caribbean and in international spaces that promote the protection of human rights such as the United Nations. In November 2018, the United Nations Human Rights Council conducted the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of China. Organizations such as the Coordinator of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and the Regional Coalition of civil society organizations participated in the UPR process with the presentation of a report on the human rights performance of Chinese investors in Latin America. [...]

This analysis is an approach to China’s view of human rights, in order to understand the approach and the performance of the Asian country by comparing some of its political and legal characteristics with the countries of Latin America. In this way, it seeks to show the common points to propose a dialogue between both actors.