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22 سبتمبر 2015

addidas Group, American Eagle Outfitters, New Balance, Nike, Patagonia, Puma, PVH & The Walt Disney Company

Mexico: Apparel brands support ILO recommendations on labour law reforms to better protect freedom of association

On behalf our companies [addidas Group, American Eagle Outfitters, New Balance, Nike, Patagonia, Puma, PVH & The Walt Disney Company]…sourcing textile and apparel…we have commercial relationships with dozens of Mexican factories, employing thousands of workers. We support fair, heathy and safe working conditions…We are writing now to communicate our strong support for the ILO Committee on Application of Standards´ request that Mexico make further reforms to the 2012 Federal Labour Law to comply with ILO Convention 87. One of these recommended reforms addresses a problem, protection contracts, that we encounter in Mexico…Social auditors for apparel brands…continue to find examples of protection contracts…without knowledge of consent of workers…creating a barrier to their freedom of association and right to bargain collectively...