NORD/LB statement
Thank you for your enquiry regarding Facing Finance's "Call to Action".
Please understand that due to banking secrecy we are not allowed to provide you with information on any business partners. Consequently, we can therefore neither confirm nor deny whether we have business relations with a particular company.
For NORD/LB, taking sustainable principles into account is an essential element of its responsibility as a financial services company and as a corporate citizen for society. In this respect, NORD/LB also explicitly commits to human rights and the avoidance of any kind of human rights risks and strives to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts on human rights caused by or associated with its business activities and services and to address negative impacts if and when they occur.
NORD/LB explicitly supports the guiding principles of "Protect, Respect and Remedy".
NORD/LB has declared its fundamental stance on dealing with human rights with a publication -
This declaration was approved by the Managing Board of NORD/LB and subsequently published on the bank's website.
Furthermore, NORD/LB itself falls under the obligation to apply the German Supplier Chain Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz – LKSG) and must also comply with the legal requirements in its business operations and in relation to its own suppliers and service providers in a regulatory manner.