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26 يوليو 2019

Helen Davidson, The Guardian

Papua New Guinea: PNG government officially asks Australian government to cancel the Paladin Security contract in Manus and open a tender process

"Paladin contract for Manus Island should be cancelled, PNG's new PM says", 25 June 2019 

Papua New Guinea’s newly appointed prime minister wants Australia to cancel its controversial contract with Paladin to deliver services on Manus Island.

James Marape...told PNG’s parliament...he would summon Australia’s diplomatic head of mission “to provide an explanation”.

“We don’t intend to have foreign security companies engage in businesses like security which we can do. I will also request to have this contract terminated forthwith.”

The $423m Paladin contract is the subject of several reviews in Australia, including one by the auditor general examining all of the government’s contracts for the offshore processing systems on Manus Island and Nauru. That audit is forecast to deliver its report in January 2020.

Paladin’s contract...is due to expire next week, and the Department of Home Affairs has refused to clarify whether it would be renewed....