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12 يناير 2023

Gulf Times (Qatar)

Qatar 2022: Latest Supreme Committee figures show increased audits, health & safety inspections and recruitment fee reimbursement throughout tournament

Shutterstock (purchased)

"SC standards protected 200,000 workers during Qatar World Cup 2022," 22 Jan 2023

The SC continued to steer the implementation of the WWS to the wider tournament-centric sectors, to protect around 200,000 workers, a press statement noted...

A sector of particular significance was hospitality, with an estimate of 40,000 workforce involved throughout the duration of the tournament... by 2022, a robust audits and inspections regime covered 156 hotel operators to ensure effective implementation of the WWS in their operations. The SC’s strong focus on knowledge transfer and capacity building resulted in notable improvements in areas of supply chain management, workers’ accommodation and access to remedy, as well as other employment practices.

The ground-breaking recruitment fees reimbursement programme, also continued to grow programme-wide. By the end of 2022, 266 contractors reimbursed QR86.6mn to more than 49,000 SC and non-SC workers who were charged illegal recruitment fees. In addition, three hotel operators and service providers also reimbursed QR163,670 to 58 workers.

… [Workers Welfare] forums were extended to 70 hotels, in continued efforts to give workers a voice. These forums have empowered workers to share grievances through elected representatives, without fear of retaliation.

... More than 43,700 comprehensive medical screenings were conducted to date, to ensure early detection and treatment of underlying medical conditions among workers, supported by electronic medical records – a first-of-its-kind system on a major construction project.