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8 مارس 2023

Al Bawaba (Jordan)

Qatar Foundation & ILO establish first joint sub-committee for contractors' female workers

"QF and ILO set up first joint sub-committee dedicated to female workers in Qatar,"

Female workers in Qatar often feel invisible. Outnumbered and overshadowed, their unique needs and concerns are often left behind as worker welfare discussions center around the large number of migrant men.

In a bid to change this situation and ensure fair representation for both genders, Qatar Foundation (QF), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the Ministry of Labour have come together to form the first sub-committee for our contractors’ female workers.

The initiative to form a sub-committee for women was based on audits conducted by Qatar Foundation that revealed women felt underrepresented in the existing mixed-gender joint committees.

“Working thousands of miles away from our families and homes is not easy, particularly for us women. But initiatives like this help keep our morale high. They make us feel like we are more than just a number, that we are cared for, and that our concerns matter,” said Chresthel Joy, from the Philippines, who works as a hospitality worker...

Since male and female workers are housed in separate accommodations, women have far fewer opportunities than men to interact and inform their representatives of any issues they face. Women often feel their concerns were not adequately represented by their male representatives.