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20 مارس 2019

Catie Shavin, Independent Advisor & Anna Triponel, Triponel Consulting

Report on challenges & opportunities for law firms implementing the UN Guiding Principles

"Leading and Emerging Practice: Challenges and Opportunities for firms implementing the UN Guiding Principles", Mar 2019

...In October 2018, law firms participating in the Law Firm Peer Learning Process convened for a full-day peer learning workshop to share and explore emerging practices, lessons learned and progress achieved, as well as key challenges and priorities.

These discussions focused on practical approaches to the following key areas of work:

  • Building senior-level commitment and coordination;

  • Providing training and capacity building;

  • Identifying human rights risks during business acceptance;

  • Building and exercising leverage in client relationships; and

  • Implementing the Modern Slavery Act.

...This summary report is based on those discussions. It also captures insights and reflections on each of the five key areas of work described above, as well as examples of emerging practices. It is intended to promote discussion, and share learning and experience. The workshop and interviews were held under the Chatham House Rule (meaning that information shared by the participants could be used, but not attributed to specific individuals or their affiliations), and the content of this summary report reflects that approach...