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7 أكتوبر 2019

Creamer Media (South Africa)

So. Africa: Mining companies should embrace modern mining to build thriving communities says Anglo American

'Modern, sustainable mining can build thriving communities – Anglo' 2 October 2019

Modern, sustainable and innovative mining was capable of building thriving mining communities that were healthier, better educated and employed in greater numbers, Anglo American CEO Mark Cutifani said on Wednesday when he delivered a keynote address at the Joburg Indaba. Cutifani said communities and governments wanted the company to partner with them to achieve self-sufficiency and genuine empowerment that would enable them to prosper long after mining ceased.

…Our employees entrust us with their lives and livelihoods. We owe it to them to seek out the best technologies and processes to make their work safer and more efficient by removing our people from harm’s way and reducing our environmental and physical footprint – while opening up the possibility for our employees to develop new skills, so that they are better prepared to meet the demands of the changing times,” he added.

Ultimately, for mining to deliver enduring value South Africa was required to embrace modern mining – in all its facets, beyond just technology – while working tirelessly to attract much-needed investment for the industry to thrive for many years to come. South Africa needed to think differently to fulfill mining’s true potential of benefitting South African society as a whole. The new required paradigm was for mining to move from merely sharing value to helping to create enduring value for all, which required that everyone actively participate in the process. Enduring value required sustainable and healthy returns for shareholders, a consistent contribution to the national fiscus, self-sufficient mining communities; and workforce adaptation to changes in the nature of work.