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20 ديسمبر 2006

Ethical Trading Initiative

Suspension of Levi Strauss & Co. from ETI membership

With regret, we announce that the ETI Board has suspended Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&Co.) from membership. This decision was taken...in a Disciplinary Hearing following LS&Co.’s refusal to adopt the ‘Living Wage’ provision of the ETI Base Code...[which states] that “In any event wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income.” LS&Co.’s position is that it cannot responsibly commit to [this] clause...because the business does not believe it can implement it with its suppliers...LS&Co. have stated their willingness to participate in work that further defines the concept of a living wage. In turn, ETI hopes to be able to resolve these points of disagreement and to re-confirm LS&Co.’s full membership status at the earliest opportunity.

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