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10 مايو 2022

Yousra Zaki, Caterer

Talabat UAE says driver action not constructive to improving situation

Following hundreds of Deliveroo delivery riders downing tools on May 2 in Dubai in protest against proposed changes to pay and working hours, talabat UAE riders followed suit last night (Monday May 9) for what was suggested ins a 24-hour action.

The riders are using social media to encourage each other to #stayinyourroom and not showing up for their assigned shifts.

The entire fleet of almost 20,000 riders operates under fleet partners or so-called 3PLs, (third party logistics companies). 

According to talabat representatives, the gross monthly earnings of a rider is  around AED3,500 on average and the company’s pay structure has not changed in the past six months.

The amount paid to driver for each drop is just one part of the riders’ overall earnings, talabat says.

talabat told Caterer that it offers an incentivised approach and through this system, provides riders with the flexibility to select their own working schedule...

talabat said over the summer, new technology will be introduced to allow riders to drop orders within shorter distances, which means that the majority of a rider’s time is spent inside or at cooled rest areas.Riders will receive a cool vest and cooling towel, as well as an insulated water bottle...

Restaurant partners have been contractually requested to offer appropriate order pick-up areas for riders while they wait to pick up orders. They are also encouraged to provide riders with water.  

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