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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English


21 يوليو 2019

Tanzania: Report alleges pollution, rape, killings & injuries at Acacia's subsidiary; includes company's response & RAID's rejoinder

 An  investigation by the Guardian and its partners in the Forbidden Stories journalism allege that violence on the community sorrounding Acacia's North Mara Gold Mine perpetrators by security agents linked to the company has been going on. It further alleges that health problems associated with possible chemical pollution from the mine remain a concern. Acacia has said its guards did not use lethal weapons and it dealt with human rights abuses by other parties, such as the police, through its grievance mechanism. In relation to pollution, it says that nobody had been contaminated because of the mine. Electronics companies, including Canon, Apple and Nokia, say they are re-evaluating their supply chains following reports they may be using gold extracted from a mine criticised for environmental failures.

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