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18 أغسطس 2020

UAE: Twitter faces allegations of free speech restrictions following suspension of activist account; co. did not respond

On 17th July Twitter blocked Detained in Dubai founder Radha Stirling’s personal account and others, allegedly without providing any detailed explanation beyond stating that some accounts are used as spam – denied by Stirling. Skyline reports that Twitter’s actions contradict the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and calls on the social media company to investigate allegations that its Middle East headquarters in Dubai are subjected to state policies that threaten the safety and security of users.

Radha Stirling is the latest in a long line of activists and government critics in the UAE whose Twitter accounts have been blocked. Skyline have called for her accounts to be reinstated.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Twitter to respond to the allegations and call from Skyline International; they did not respond.

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X Corp. (formerly Twitter)

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