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10 نوفمبر 2017

Jordyn Holman, Bloomberg

USA: New class action lawsuit on alleged gender-based discrimination filed against Wal-Mart

"Wal-Mart Female Employees Try Again for Sex-Bias Class Action", 7 Nov 2017

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is being sued once again by a group of women who say they faced gender discrimination while working for the world’s biggest retailer.

...The case is part of the legacy of Dukes v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., a 2001 suit that claimed the company had a pattern of discriminating against women in promotion, pay, training and job assignment. In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the decision to grant class certification and imposed revised guidelines for class actions related to employment discrimination.

...Addressing the Supreme Court’s revised guidelines, the complaint focuses on allegations of workers within the southeastern U.S.

[A] Wal-Mart spokesman, said... “These claims are unsuitable for class treatment because the situations of each individual are so different, and because the claims are not representative of the hundreds of thousands of women who work at Wal-Mart."

...[The alleged patterns of gender discrimination include] the company’s promotion policies, its failure to post job openings openly and its relocation and travel requirements for management positions...

[Also refers to Sam's Clubs]

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