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رد الشركة

24 إبريل 2016

Vedanta Resources

Vedanta Response

“We completely reject the baseless allegations made against us and see this as an attempt to tarnish the image of a law abiding organization. Vedanta firmly believes in engaging with all of its stakeholders and we have a robust human rights policy in place that ensures the Group is fully committed to sustainable development principles including protecting human life, well-being and the environment. We always respect the rights of local communities where our operations are located and we remain committed to pro-actively work alongside them to include their concerns within a democratic framework.” We will also be grateful if you can visit http://sd.vedantaresources.com/SustainableDevelopment2014-15/building-strong-relationships/stakeholder-engagement.html and watch the video by Mr. Abhijit Pati, CEO, Aluminium, on the stakeholder engagement in Vedanta.

Vedanta also asked that we link to their response of Sept 2014 which can be accessed here.



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