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HRD Attack

1 Feb 2019

Édgar Rene Pop Yaxcal Comité Campesino del Altiplano -CCDA

Incident date
1 Feb 2019
Date accuracy
All Correct
Indigenous peoples
Arbitrary detention
Target: Individual
Location of Incident: Guatemala
Other actors


On 1 February 2019, Édgar Rene Pop Yaxcal was arbitrarily detained. Edgar is a land and indigenous peoples' rights defender and member of Comité Campesino Del Altiplano de Guatemala. It is alleged that Rene was detained as part of a campaign to intimidate and harass indigenous peoples so they move out from their territories. Comité Campesino del Altiplano (CCDA) was founded to help monitor and protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples. Two of their main rural development strategies are food sovereignty and production chains, due to what they say is 'an imminent context of dispossession and land grabbing for the production and expansion of monocultures and extractive megaprojects that make Guatemala a country ever more dependent on food imports'.