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HRD Attack

8 May 2017

Friday Pyne

Incident date
8 May 2017
Date accuracy
All Correct
Environmental concerns group
Target: Individual
Location of Incident: Liberia
Other actors


The Society for the Conversation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) has condemned the killing of the Forestry Development Authority’s Ranger Friday Pyne, assigned at the SAPO National Park in Sinoe County. Pyne was allegedly killed following a recent demonstration by a group of alleged illegal miners and hunters in Sinoe County. The Sapo National Park (SNP) is a landscape set aside by the Government of Liberia in 1983 as a National Park, managed by the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) to preserve Liberia’s species. Pyne was among several forest guards deployed at the Park to prevent illicit hunters and miners from misusing the park.