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HRD Attack

8 Dec 2019

Raimundo Guajajara

Incident date
8 Dec 2019
Date accuracy
All Correct
Indigenous peoples
Target: Individual
Location of Incident: Brazil
Other actors


Two indigenous leaders, Firmino Guajajara and Raimundo Guajajara, have been shot dead and two others wounded in Brazil’s Maranhão state. The attack on the members of the Guajajara tribe, which is known for the forest guardians who protect their territory against illegal deforestation, occurred on the margins of a federal highway near El-Betel village. The group was returning from a meeting when they were attacked by gunmen in a moving car. Indigenous tribes in Brazil are facing escalating violence during the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro, who has promised to reduce tribal rights and encouraged the commercial exploitation of their protected lands. Tribes have been facing escalating violence from illegal loggers and miners. Authorities said they were investigating but did not say if anyone had been detained. Amazon Watch said the Guajajara people were returning from a meeting with Eletronorte, a Brazilian electric utilities company, and Funai (Brazilian National Indigenous Foundation) where they had been advocating for their rights.