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HRD Attack

11 Jun 2019

Carlos Cabral Pereira Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras Rurais de Rio Maria (Rural Workers Trade Union of Rio Maria)

Incident date
11 Jun 2019
Date accuracy
All Correct
Target: Individual
Location of Incident: Brazil


Carlos Cabral Pereira was the president of a trade union that represented rural workers of the community of Rio Maria, the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras Rurais de Rio Maria (Rural Workers Trade Union of Rio Maria), as well as one of the directors of Brazilian Workers Central (Central de Trabalhadores do Brasil). He was well recognised in the region as a social leader who promoted the rights to access to land by peasant workers. On 11th June 2019, Carlos Cabral Pereira was killed close his home in Setor Planalto, in the municipality of Rio Maria, in the southern area of the state of Pará. He was shot four times by two armed men on a motorcycle wearing helmets, once to his head.