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HRD Attack

16 Jun 2016

Valdomiro Lopes de Lorena

Incident date
16 Jun 2016
Date accuracy
All Correct
Affected community's leader or member
Target: Individual
Location of Incident: Brazil


On June 16, 2016, 56-year old Valdomiro Lopes de Lorena, popularly known as Tié-Tié, was shot dead by two gun men in the District of Paranorte, near the municipality of Juara, State of Mato Grosso. Valdomiro was a member of the Movimento dos Sem-Terra (Landless Worker’s Movement – MST) and was fighting with his community for the legalization of a rural area in the city of Nova Bandeirantes where the Açaraí and Matrinchã/Gleba Japuranã farms were located. This area was of interest to a logging company in the region. The dispute has been going on for 11 years, and about 43 families are still awaiting the right to own the land on which they live and produce. In July of that same year, the two individuals accused appeared to the police in the company of a lawyer. They were arrested and questioned, the firearm was found by the police and seized. One of the defendants was released after finding that he had not pulled the trigger on the gun, so he would not qualify as the perpetrator. The other accused was arrested but released a few days after.