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HRD Attack

29 Mar 2018

Ana Ursachi

Incident date
29 Mar 2018
Date accuracy
All Correct
Lawyers and judges
Unfair trial
Target: Individual
Location of Incident: Moldova


On 29 March 2018, a Moldovan court has sanctioned the arrest of Ana Ursachi, a lawyer and human rights defender, in the absence of her lawyers, following allegations that she had been involved in a murder that took place 20 years ago. For the past 7 years, Ana Ursachi has defended the interests of many political and business opponents of the Moldovan oligarch and politician Vladimir Plahotniuc. Many of these people have accused Plahotniuc of corruption, embezzlement of public funds and of seizing their businesses. As a result, they have all become defendants in questionable criminal proceedings. Ana Ursachi has also been subjected to smear campaigns in pro-government media and went into exile in Poland. According to Ana Ursachi, INTERPOL has issued a ‘red notice’ against her. This means that she can be detained at any time at the request of Moldova. Representatives of the international community have repeatedly stated that the criminal prosecution of Ana Ursachi is related to her professional activities.