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HRD Attack

31 Jan 2016

Ruan Hildebran Aguiar

Incident date
31 Jan 2016
Date accuracy
All Correct
Affected community's leader or member
Target: Individual
Location of Incident: Brazil
Other actors


Ruan Hildebrandt Aguiar, 18, was last seen on January 31, 2016. Ruan was a member of the League of Poor Peasants and lived in the settlement “Terra Nossa” whose members were occupying the Tucumã farm in Cujubim – Rondônia. In January 2016, the landless group that Ruan was a part of left the occupation because of the order for re-possession granted to the owner of the area by court. After the re-possession, five ex-occupants returned to the scene to pick up belongings that they had left in the area. According to witnesses reports, as they left the site, the five former occupiers were ambushed by an armed group. All five attempted to flee, but they were chased by the group and only three managed to escape. To this day Ruan’s body has not been found and the family have accepted that he is dead. On 30 October 2017, a Jury decided on the case of the killings of landless youth Ruan Hildebrandt Aguiar and Allyson Henrique de Sá Lopes and did not find Ruan was killed. The Prosecutor’s Office will appeal the decision.