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2 Jun 2015

Ben James, Law 360 (USA)

5 lessons from the Abercrombie & Fitch 'hijab' case [Subscription required]

The U.S. Supreme Court's recent revival of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission discrimination suit against Abercrombie & Fitch Stores Inc. put a spotlight on religious accommodations for job applicants. With the Abercrombie ruling in mind, experts offered tips to help businesses be proactive about accommodating religion while minimizing legal exposure...[T]he decision did leave some observers with worries about how to balance the need to be proactive about offering religious accommodations with the need to refrain from querying applicants about religious beliefs. Lawyers cited five moves for employers concerned about exactly what should be said to prospective workers in light of the recent ruling...Let Interviewees Know What's Expected...Get HR Involved...Keep Managers Well-Trained...Think Twice About Image-Based Policies...Have a Genuine Dialogue...
