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5 Feb 2019

Mohammed Yusuf, Voice of America

Africa: Increasing use of electronic devices threatens environment and calls for innovative e-waste solutions

"Africa's Growing Economies, Youth Create E-Waste Challenge", 4 February 2019.

A new report says the world produces at least 50 million tons of electronic waste each year, and that number is expected to double 30 years from now. The impact of all that electronic junk is especially felt in Africa...Most Kenyans, however, don't know how to safely dispose of their old phones when they get a new one...It's this kind of behavior that has environmentalists concerned, as many phones, once thrown away, end up in rivers and oceans...Simon Omengo uses unorthodox means to dispose of his electronic gadgets. “Since its motherboard failed then automatically I disposed it. I threw it in the toilet. I burn it, I break into pieces because it’s useless to me now,” Omengo says...Winnie says the government needs to come up with ways to safely dispose of old devices...With more devices being thrown away, one Kenya-based group, Enviroserve, is trying to change how Africa’s e-waste is managed by stripping down re-useable metals and plastics from phones. Some materials remain in Kenya, while other parts like batteries are shipped abroad...