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7 Nov 2011

Paul Elias, Associated Press

Appeals court revisits Armenian genocide lawsuit [USA]

A federal appeals court on Monday took up the thorny issue of whether California law declaring there was an Armenian genocide in Turkey conflicts with U.S. foreign policy. At issue is a state law that labels the deaths a genocide, allowing heirs of Armenians killed in the Turkish Ottoman Empire to pursue a lawsuit seeking life insurance payments from three German insurers…In a rare move, the court reversed itself last year…and turned a 2-1 ruling rendered in 2009 in favor of insurers into a 2-1 decision supporting the heirs' lawsuit. On Monday, the court's chief justice announced in a brief statement that a majority of judges had voted to rehear the case…The insurers, which include Munich Re AG, argue California's law should be struck down because it conflicts with U.S. foreign policy... [also refers to New York Life, AXA]