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24 Apr 2009

Pillman, DNA (Daily News & Analysis) [India]

Archrivals join hands for AIDS fight

GSK and Pfizer have come together to form a new company ideally created to tackle the pandemic of AIDS… GSK chief executive Andrew Witty said "…This new company will be better placed to…improve access to treatments."…A few generic drugmakers, however, feel that monopolistic marketing of patented drugs may increase with the united efforts…The press release…says the new company will continue GSK's and Pfizer's commitments to improve access to HIV medicines…Not-for-profit pricing for HIV medicines will continue…and the new company will continue to facilitate new voluntary licences…The new company will also conduct research and development activities specifically to address appropriate access to HIV medicines in developing countries. [also refers to Cipla, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb]