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5 Aug 2014


Armenia: Minister raises concerns over environmental pollution caused by Agarak copper and Dundee Precious Metals Kapan; asks both firms to fix problems

"Nature Protection Minister recorded problems at Syunik mining companies", 4 August 2014

During his visit to Syunik Region, Nature Protection Minister Aramayis Grigoryan recorded a number of problems at Agarak copper and molybdenum combine. The Minister outlined that the waste water of the ore dressing plant pollutes the water…Minister Aramayis Grigoryan gave time to Agarak Copper and Molybdenum Combine CJSC to regulate the problem…State Environmental Inspection Syunik Territorial Division Head Levon Petrosyan outlined the need for fencing several sections of Artsvanik tailing dump and to separate them from the affected community. The working group of Nature Protection Ministry also recorded some problems in the tailing dump of Dundee Precious Metals Kapan…[T]he official source doesn’t mention whether or not the mining companies have been fined for violations.