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6 Aug 2008

Compiled by the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Bad connections report & company responses

On 30 May 2008 DanWatch released a report called “Bad Connections: How your mobile phone is linked to abuse, fraud and unfair mining practices in DR Congo”, which alleged that mobile phone companies using cobalt from Democratic Republic of Congo are running the risk of supporting human rights abuses. The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited six companies mentioned in the report to respond: LG - we have invited LG to respond, but have not received a response LG Chem - we have invited LG Chem to respond, but have not received a response Motorola - Motorola has indicated that it will respond; we will post its response here Nokia - has provided a response Samsung - has provided a response Sony Ericsson - has provided a response Also includes a response from Umicore, which had already been provided to DanWatch.