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3 Jul 2018

Gulf Digital News Online

Bahrain: Distressed workers hotline receives over 5,000 calls including cases of trafficking

"Hotline for distressed workers receives 5,300 calls from expatriates", 29 June 2018

More than 5,300 calls were received from expatriates, including human trafficking victims, via a hotline... set up for distressed workers in Bahrain, said... [t]he US State Department report on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) 2018... Most of these concerned labour rights and advice on workplace situations, among other requests. “It was unclear how many calls constituted instances or indicators of trafficking, but officials identified one trafficking victim and investigated an unknown number of cases as a direct result of the hotline,” said the report... The hotline aimed at collecting reports and educating workers about their rights in different languages such as in Hindi, Telugu, Sinhalese, Tamil, Urdu, Malayalam, Arabic and English... The report also said that more than 500 expats, including human trafficking victims, were provided assistance at the Expat Protection Centre run by the [Labour Market Regulatory Authority]. It also said the centre located in Sehla provided 516 individuals with shelter, food, clothing, medical care, religious support, psycho-social counselling, rehabilitation, translation and repatriation, or job placement in Bahrain...